Coconut Grove Sewer Pump Station


What was the project?

In 2016 McRobert Contracting Services were contracted to complete the structural lining of the wet well to Coconut Grove pump station, in the Northern Territory. This pump station measures approximately 10 metres in diameter, with a depth of 10 metres.

Project details

Client: Mousellis & Sons

Location: Darwin, NT

Duration: July to August 2016


Project Background

Prior to relining, the concrete surfaces of this pump station had been heavily affected by biogenic sulphide corrosion on both the wet well walls and more significantly to the inlet structure.

What Did We Do?

Having completed a similar project for Mousellis & Sons in 2014, we were once again contracted to complete the structural rehabilitation of the pump station walls, completed using the MCS whaler system patent. Click here to see how this works.

All internal surfaces of this pump station were lined, including the benching and soffit to make it impervious to gas attack.

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Before & After Brochure

SPS Refurbishments

Company Profile

Coconut Grove SPS
50 Year Guarantee

McRobert Contracting Services
50 year guarantee for the plastic lining of utilities access chambers and sewer pump stations.

Provided no physical damage or prolonged exposure to UV occurs in the future, PVC linings should last well in excess of 100 years.

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