3D Laser Inspections

Over the last three years, McRobert Contracting Services has developed a specialised service of completing 3D laser scan and CCTV inspections on sewer pump stations and access chambers.

Safety & Health

With the safety and health of our personnel first and foremost, this service has eliminated the need for man entry to these assets to complete internal inspections. Previously, the usual process for completing these inspections would require a three-man crew a day to complete, and involve confined space entry to take a core sample for further testing. Using the 3D laser scanner, these inspections now take a two-man crew on average two hours to complete, with no confined space entry.

Latest 3d Scanning Technology

Using the latest 3D scanning technology, a Faro X130 3D laser scanner is used to provide accurate measurements of your underground asset. These measurements are then compared to the original dimensions of the structure, to determine the amount of deterioration of the asset. MCS has designed a custom-built apparatus which is used to lower the laser scanner and a high definition video camera into the asset. The laser scanner takes 27 million measurements in 8 minutes, up to a distance of 130 metres.

Data Collection

Data is collected from the laser scanner and used with specialised software to create 3D point cloud imagery which is then used to assess the structural integrity of the asset walls. The point cloud imagery provides an interactive model which allows you to see the internal structure as if being there, without the need for entering the structure. From this model, the amount of deterioration can be determined.

In conjunction with the laser scanner, a high resolution camera is also used to visually inspect the walls and internal components of the structure. A full HD video recording of the inspection and high resolution photographs are provided as part of this service.

A detailed report is then generated assessing the internal components of the asset.

Access Chamber Refurbishments

Sewer Pump Station Refurbishments

3D Laser Inspections

Check out our gallery for our 3D laser scanning equipment

Swipe left or right to view the gallery.

50 Year Guarantee

McRobert Contracting Services
50 year guarantee for the plastic lining of utilities access chambers and sewer pump stations.

Provided no physical damage or prolonged exposure to UV occurs in the future, PVC linings should last well in excess of 100 years.

Talk to us about your next project

(08) 9411 0666 or